Thursday, May 14, 2009


As I venture in to my attempt to put out relevant information, I would like to echo Gary Abernathy's sentiments about conservatives staying with or joining the GOP.
I often say about myself I am so conservative I make Rush look liberal. Ex: On abortion I think it should be outlawed even in the case of rape(which is contray to the GOP platform).
I feel though if people are true conservatives they will join the GOP(or stay in it), because of a couple things. 1. A third party has very little chance of doing anything & 2. The GOP is the closest to true Conservative.
Now the true Conservative is saying, "but their leadership/candidates don't espouse everyone of my core believes". And I would say "would you rather have someone in leadership that has 70% of your beliefs or 0%".
Also if you are a true conservative and you are in the GOP, then work to bring more like minded people in and change things. I feel it would be easier to change the party, then start a third party.
I feel a good example of that here in West Virginia. West Virginians for Life endorse many pro-life Dems, at times over equally pro-life Republicans, just because the Republicans have no official record(I'm not going to get into a discussion at this time about that policy. Its their policy so be it). This then gives the Dems majoritys in the Legislature and then they get pro-abortion people head of important committees ex: Carrie Webster head of the Judiciary comm.
So to all True Conservatives(Ron Paul supporters, Independents, DINOs(Democrat in name only, & others)come back to the GOP & lets change it, starting in 2010 continuing to 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I lost all faith in WV For Life when they endorsed Sam Cann, who opposed parental notification, over me because, "you have no chance of winning."
