Thursday, February 4, 2010


Something overlooked in all the brouhaha about Tim Tebow's Super Bowl add, is the fact that he was home schooled & because Florida's law allows homeschooled students to play for the school in their district, he was able to play football. Now I don't know all the nuances of the Florida law, but if they can do it I would think West Virginia could.
A few years ago there was a court ruling that allowed this to happen, but the WVSSAC appealed it and won, so it was overturned. Now I can see both sides of the arguement. When this case was being tried there was much emotion on both sides. I am not going to get into all the arguements but the one I felt was the most important & that made sense from the WVSSAC side, was that it would be an easy way, if an athlete had grade problems, to take advantage of this system. Now granted the majority of the ones probably wouldn't abuse it, but there would be some.
A solution I think would be that the homeschool parent would be responsible for contacting the school, the student would be playing athletics anyway, and arrange for the student to take tests adminstered by the teacher of the class the student would take anyway.
Being a teacher, parent & a former coach, I realize this is oversimplified, but I'm sure the bugs could be worked out. Also WV could contact Florida officials to see how they did it. please feel free to post any comments


  1. Obama's desire to repeal "Don't ask, don't tell" can actually help to fulfill the "days of Lot" (Luke 17, cf. Gen. 19), the fulfillment of which will hurry up the return of the Heavenly Commander-in-Chief who will make all things straight (pun intended)! Interesting Google articles include "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "Separation of Raunch and State" and "David Letterman's Hate Etc."
    For some dessert visit Yahoo and type in "Obama Avoids Bible Verses."
    PS - You're invited to use these new pro-life slogans: "Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms - and legs and ears and eyes etc.!" and "Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!"

  2. I currently live in PA and homeschool my children, In PA we can utalize the public school for sports and classes, How this works here is that if you homeschool, your child can participate in any sports or extracurricular activity they desire, however the parent must send in to the school a copy of the childs grades for that week. Homeschooled children are also allowed to take up to 2 classes at the school in a given year. For example, if I do not feel qualified to teach my child algebra and biology I can send my child to school, and they can learn there. I am responsible for transportation if they do not go during regular bus hours. This works very well, and we do not see an abuse of it here. The potential is there of course, however the potential is there for a teacher to "give" an athlete the grades he needs to play as well. The majority of homeschool parents want their children to excell and would not approve of dishonesty in order for their child to play sports. Great things happen when people are given freedom to choose in education and all things. This is a great law, and I feel it has helped me to be able to continue to homeschool as a mom of highschool children.
