Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Almost 2 years ago my son posted on his blog about people whining about rules, basicly it was about young people at his College, that did not like the requirements they were supposed to follow as far as things they were to do outside of the college(or something to that effect).
I would like to expand on that. A few weeks ago, there was news article about a young man who attended a Christian High School, who was suspend, because he attended his girlsfriends High School Prom. He & his parents are fighting it.
Now on the surface it sounds as if they have a good case, after all, what a student does on there own time is there business. However, the kicker, is he & his parents signed a contract which stated that he would not attend secular dances. Now I am not going to debate whether the rule is right or wrong, my only concern is what are we teaching are kids, if we tell them, if you sign a contract then you don't like it you can change it.
My first thought is if you don't like the rules, the parents shouldn't send their son to that school. However if they liked everything, but that I could see them working to get it change BEFORE it becomes a problem, and if they can't change it then go somewhere else.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I said earlier this is for another time, so since I received a comment from Garth about WVFL, I will address it now. I respect the West Virginians for Life & understand as a private organization they are free to make guidelines & rules as they feel. I do however feel their current policy of only endorsing candidates who have a record to run on(which is normally the incumbents), hurts their cause.
As mentioned earlier, by helping the Dems keep control of the Legislature, it makes it possible for Pro-Abortion people to be in leadership position(such as the aforementioned Carrie Webster).
This policy also makes it seem like if a candidate is not endorsed by the WVFL, they are pro-abortion, which in a lot of cases is not the case. When this happens it causes the WVFL, lose credibility as well as members.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Religious freedom

It is frustrating to me the number of people I know who are Democrats(some that wouldn't vote for a Republican no matter what) & they are Christians, but they gripe about how the "government" is taking away our religious freedoms & liberties. Now I'm not doubting there salvation. Many of them in their lives are more spiritual than me, and although our salavation is not based on works, their example of a Christian is better than mine.
However the political group that is taking away our freedoms, is the liberals & the Dems. Does that mean the Republicans are perfect certainly not. Does that mean Republicans are better Christians, NO. But the liberal Supreme Court(granted 2 of the judges were appointed by a Republican)outlawed prayer in school & legalized abortion. The liberals & the Dems are the ones who want to legalize gay marriage & make it a crime for preachers to speak out against homosexuality from the pulpit, among other things.
Again I am not saying the Republicans are perfect, but as far as religious freedom, the conservatives & the Republicans have the better track record.


As I venture in to my attempt to put out relevant information, I would like to echo Gary Abernathy's sentiments about conservatives staying with or joining the GOP.
I often say about myself I am so conservative I make Rush look liberal. Ex: On abortion I think it should be outlawed even in the case of rape(which is contray to the GOP platform).
I feel though if people are true conservatives they will join the GOP(or stay in it), because of a couple things. 1. A third party has very little chance of doing anything & 2. The GOP is the closest to true Conservative.
Now the true Conservative is saying, "but their leadership/candidates don't espouse everyone of my core believes". And I would say "would you rather have someone in leadership that has 70% of your beliefs or 0%".
Also if you are a true conservative and you are in the GOP, then work to bring more like minded people in and change things. I feel it would be easier to change the party, then start a third party.
I feel a good example of that here in West Virginia. West Virginians for Life endorse many pro-life Dems, at times over equally pro-life Republicans, just because the Republicans have no official record(I'm not going to get into a discussion at this time about that policy. Its their policy so be it). This then gives the Dems majoritys in the Legislature and then they get pro-abortion people head of important committees ex: Carrie Webster head of the Judiciary comm.
So to all True Conservatives(Ron Paul supporters, Independents, DINOs(Democrat in name only, & others)come back to the GOP & lets change it, starting in 2010 continuing to 2012.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I am trying for the third time to start a blog & keep up on it. I will be trying to express my opinions, every day.
First let me tell you all a little about my self, for the ones that don't know me. I am 59 years old, divorced with 3 adult children, 1 daughter-in-law, 1 son-in-law, 1 mother & 2 granddaughters. I am very conservative. I will expound more on myself later,