Thursday, May 14, 2009

Religious freedom

It is frustrating to me the number of people I know who are Democrats(some that wouldn't vote for a Republican no matter what) & they are Christians, but they gripe about how the "government" is taking away our religious freedoms & liberties. Now I'm not doubting there salvation. Many of them in their lives are more spiritual than me, and although our salavation is not based on works, their example of a Christian is better than mine.
However the political group that is taking away our freedoms, is the liberals & the Dems. Does that mean the Republicans are perfect certainly not. Does that mean Republicans are better Christians, NO. But the liberal Supreme Court(granted 2 of the judges were appointed by a Republican)outlawed prayer in school & legalized abortion. The liberals & the Dems are the ones who want to legalize gay marriage & make it a crime for preachers to speak out against homosexuality from the pulpit, among other things.
Again I am not saying the Republicans are perfect, but as far as religious freedom, the conservatives & the Republicans have the better track record.

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